Automagically sends file(s) to a pre-determined e-mail address
An Eudora™ script.
Dear fellow scripters,
Here is a little script I wrote for use with Eudora (I use 1.4.2) that takes any number of dragged-on files and sends them, in separate messages (so we don't confuse non MIME-aware mailers), to a pre-determined e-mail address.
How do you determine the e-mail address? Simple! It's the script's name! Therefore, all you have to do is duplicate the script and re-name it to the recipient's e-mail address. You can even use Eudora nicknames since Eudora will resolve them. This is particularily useful for distribution lists.
Feel free to distribute this script to anyone who wishes it. Also, you are encouraged to improve on it! If you think your script is good enough, then by all means post it (and send me a copy!).
If you find this script incredibly useful, would it be too much to ask for a little postcard from your hometown? If you don't want to send one, e-mail is also appreciated.